Meet our newest addition. Her name is Charlotte and she is 1 month old. I can hardly believe that it has been a month already. I absolutely love being a mommy! It is the best job in the world. Hands down.
Congratulations Kim!! Charlotte is adorable! I'm glad that I got the list right with someone who is in the thick of it :) Sometimes it feels like yesterday, and sometimes it feels like it's been ages. Hope you are getting some sleep!! Thanks for stopping by Wine & Glue
Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! (once upon a time workout - you mentioned you wanted one for every day of the week, so check by on Tuesdays, I'm going to keep putting new ones up then. ;) But most of all congratulations on your new, cute baby! That's such an exciting, wonderful adventure! :) Oh, and your food looks delish.
Congratulations Kim!! Charlotte is adorable! I'm glad that I got the list right with someone who is in the thick of it :) Sometimes it feels like yesterday, and sometimes it feels like it's been ages. Hope you are getting some sleep!! Thanks for stopping by Wine & Glue
Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! (once upon a time workout - you mentioned you wanted one for every day of the week, so check by on Tuesdays, I'm going to keep putting new ones up then. ;) But most of all congratulations on your new, cute baby! That's such an exciting, wonderful adventure! :) Oh, and your food looks delish.
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