
Bridal Shower Recap

Hey there strangers! Last weekend was my soon-to-be sister's bridal shower. I gave you a sneak peek of the centerpieces, but I am sure you are all dying to see them on the tables!

In  addition to the decorations, I also created a book for the bride that has words of advice for a happy marriage from all of those who are near and dear to her. A friend of mine did something like this for my wedding and I think it is still fun to go back and look at and so I thought I would pass on this idea. To make this project you simply need blank 3x5 notecards, a binder ring, a piece of ribbon, and a computer. I chose a title for my book and printed that on the front page along with the bride and groom's names and wedding date.

On many other cards I created pages for their family and friends to write words of advice on. This is one of my favorites... after a wonderful year of marriage, I totally agree with this bit of advice!

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